Child Safeguarding

Connacht Cricket's Commitment to Safeguarding

Connacht Cricket is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all participants, particularly young and vulnerable individuals. We adhere to the highest standards of safeguarding practices as outlined by Cricket Ireland’s Safeguarding Policies.

Our staff, both volunteers and employed, are committed to creating a safe space for growth and development. We have implemented robust procedures to identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring the well-being of everyone involved.

Risk Assessment:

Connacht Cricket has conducted a thorough Risk Assessment to identify potential areas of harm and implement appropriate measures to address them. This document outlines the likelihood of risks occurring and provides the necessary policies, guidance, and processes to minimize their impact.

Child Safeguarding Statement:

Our Child Safeguarding Statement aligns with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015 and the associated National Guidance. It complements our Risk Assessment and ensures that we are fully compliant with child protection regulations.

Downloadable Documents:

Please find the Risk Assessment and Child Safeguarding Statement available for download below.


Connacht Cricket is committed to safeguarding the welfare of all individuals involved in our activities. If you have any concerns or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Safeguarding Procedures

Connacht Cricket has the following procedures in place as part of our Safeguarding Policies:

  • Procedures for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct by staff or volunteers against a child availing of our activities.
  • Procedures for the safe recruitment of staff and volunteers to work with  children in our activities.
  • Procedures for access to safeguarding training and information.
  • Procedures for reporting of child protection or welfare concerns to Statutory Authorities.

Connacht Cricket’s Designated Person is MAYANK.

We recognize that implementation is an ongoing process. The Connacht Cricket is committed to  the implementation of the Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children and vulnerable people safe from harm while availing of our activities.

This Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment will be reviewed on February 9th, 2024

Mayank  (on behalf of Connacht Cricket)


For queries on this Child Safeguarding Statement, please contact Mayank on:

Tel: 0892379842


Safeguarding statement
Risk Assessment